Welcome to the MAPPS Blog!

This is a place where we’ll tell you stories about the impact on parents of participation in MAPPS activities, on their school-age children, and on their families. We’ll tell you stories about the impact of MAPPS on schools where MAPPS activities take place. We’ll tell you about the impact on teachers who facilitate Math for Parents Workshops and Math for Parents Mini-Courses. We’ll keep you up-dated on upcoming MAPPS training around the country and let you know how recent training workshops went. We’ll try to let you know about current research on parents learning mathematics, especially those items that catch our attention. Of course, we want to hear from you! Let us know what you think about our activities. If you don’t see it here but would like to hear about it, let us know that, too. Ask us questions. Let us know what you think of this blog, we’re new at blogging.

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